Fascination Circa Samsung Quick Share

Files are sent to the recipient The recipient will get a pop-up asking to accept the shared files. Tapping "Accept" on the pop-up will start the file transfer process.

Set the expiration date The default expiration is set for 2 days, after which the recipient cannot open the shared file. You can set the expiration date to a maximum of 7 days.

For a direct share with a nearby Samsung device, ensure the recipient is in close proximity, and their device should appear in the menu. Tap on it.

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2 Some non-Samsung Incostante devices can receive files through QR codes and text messages. With Private sharing option, it allows for the safe sharing of sensitive or private information, giving you some peace of mind.

Funkcija Quick Share omogoča preprosto Con hitro deljenje datotek, da lì samo z napravami v bližini, temveč tudi s tistimi, ki so daleč stran. Združljiva je s široko paleto naprav – Samsung telefoni Con tabličnimi računalniki ter osebnimi računalniki znamke Samsung Durante drugih proizvajalcev.

Twenty files of up to 200MB in total can be sent at once to a designated recipient using a phone number and identification number.

You will always be asked to confirm the transfer before receiving a file from other users. You also have full control over who can discover and share with your device. All Quick Share transfers are protected by E2E encryption.

You can’t delete Samsung Quick Share as it is a built-in feature of Samsung devices. The best you can do is turn it D'avanguardia, as outlined above.

Files are sent to the recipient The recipient will get a controlla qui pop-up asking to accept the shared files. Tapping "Accept" on the pop-up will start the file transfer process.

Veljavnost povezave poteče po dveh dneh. Pošiljatelj mora imeti na napravi Samsung Account, pošiljateljeva Durante prejemnikova naprava pa potrebujeta internetno povezavo.

The link will expire after two days. Sender's device requires a Samsung account, and both sender and receiver devices require Internet connection.

Files are sent to the recipient The recipient will get a notification asking to accept the shared files. Tapping the notification, then tapping "Download all" on the following screen will start the download.

Select files to share and launch Quick Share Select the files you want to share and tap the share icon.

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